Old School: The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964)

I am currently digging the moment in history we are exploring in my film class. These films were made when my parents were just tiny babies (cue the aws) and there is synchronized sound. How I rue the intertitle. Films were sometimes in color and still often filmed in black and white. I find I am usually not that distracted by the color of film, unless of course that is the focus! The Umbrellas of Cherbourg is a unique film for its time period within the French New Wave. Directed by Jacques Demy this film is entirely sung, quite like an opera rather than a typical musical movie we would see today. It is highly stylized which brings to the forefront the self reflexivity and emerging meta analysis of film during the 60s. Characters often refer to going to movie theater themselves. This is the opening clip, which I love for its sweeping romanticism as well as portrayal of Parisian youth city life. Check out the entire film for the not so expected ending.

Songs on Repeat: Jukebox the Ghosts’s Hold It In

This band is one of my Pandora finds. You know when you find that perfect channel that reflects everything you like in music? Well, for me that was the MIKA channel. A bit of the 70s classics I love, with some contemporary artists everyone knows and loves. This band snuck in there and I instantly gravitated to this song. This led me to listen obsessively on YouTube, then on Spotify and eventually I bought two of their CDs. This video is a bit strange, and so are most of their songs, but apparently that is my style. Clearly they are well trained musicians that understand how to create catchy tunes. The best parts of their CDs is when the songs transition from one to the other flawlessly, making the CD the focus, rather than just the single. This song is incredibly relatable, with a steady beat that makes for easy listening. I get a certain Charlie Brown feeling from this song, how does it inspire you?

Collections to Envy: Erin Fetherston Resort 2011

I know, I know. Fashion is moving forward and 2011 isn’t vintage enough to be cool. Well, it’s a good thing I don’t consider myself to be one to follow the fashion trends much. Sure, I’m loving the cute boots that are available everywhere, and I might have hooked onto the crop top trend…but I am a fan of real fashion, fashion that works for the everyday purpose of getting me to class and back in a relatively presentable manner. I like this collection for all of the casual silhouettes in beautiful silky fabrics. I could wear any of these items without having to look like I am trying too hard. Perfect! View the entire collection @ http://nymag.com/fashion/fashionshows/2011/resort/main/newyork/womenrunway/erinfetherston/ and as usual check below for my favorites!

Old School: The Bicycle Thief (1948)

Now that we’re past the awkward introduction day for all of my classes, we’re really delving into the material. Being a Media studies major, I study all sorts of topics. I can’t say I’m ever quite bored. I mainly focus on the intersections between psychology and film, and lucky for me every Monday and Wednesday is filled with such classes. My film class is not just a typical film class, but rather one that is greatly expanding my knowledge of international cinema. Hollywood isn’t the only force out there when it comes to great filmmaking. I think it might be cool to catalog my favorite clips from my class on my blog-a treat to whomever looks on here and a great resource for me to look back upon. This week is Italian Neorealism, and I had a hard time holding back tears while watching the end of Vittorio De Sica’s film, The Bicycle Thief (or Bicycle Thieves depending on whichever title you choose to use). The way the son grasps his fathers hand in the end, bone chilling. I hope to watch this film in its entirety, if you’re at all interested check out the YouTube clip above but I warn you, it’s a full on spoiler of the end!

Need to See It: Starbuck (2011)

Getting back in the swing of things is tough. There’s a new schedule to keep in mind, with new responsibilities and even more reading. I’m happy to be back at school, but still dipping my toes in the water when what I really need to do is take that first dive. All swim analogies aside, I still continue to admire films whether at home or at school. I want to check out this snarky and colorful French film eventually, about a man who donates sperm and later finds out that he has fathered 533 children, and 142 of them want to get into contact with him. With some cheeky French dialogue Ken Scott directs a movie alike life in a way, a bit absurd but sure as hell entertaining.